Total Amount Raised so far... (Updated Monthly)
$168K 67%





Bitcoin Donation Instructions

Thank you for your generosity in supporting the #StandWithUkraine campaign through Bitcoin donations. To make a donation, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Bitcoin wallet.
  2. Scan the QR code below or manually enter the wallet address:

Bitcoin Wallet Address:


QR Code:

Bitcoin QR Code


3. Enter the amount you wish to donate.

4. Double-check the wallet address to ensure it matches the one provided above.

5. Confirm the transaction details and initiate the Bitcoin transfer.

Your donation will directly support war victims in Ukraine through the #StandWithUkraine campaign.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team. Your contribution makes a meaningful difference, and we appreciate your support.







Ethereum (ETH) Donation Instructions

Thank you for your generosity in supporting Matt Rife Events with Ethereum (ETH) donations on the ERC20 network. To make a donation, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your preferred Ethereum wallet that supports the ERC20 network.
  2. Scan the QR code below or manually enter the wallet address:

Ethereum (ETH) Wallet Address (ERC20 Network):


QR Code:



3. Enter the amount of ETH you wish to donate.

4. Double-check the wallet address to ensure it matches the one provided above.

5. Confirm the transaction details and initiate the ETH transfer on the ERC20 network.

Your ETH donation will directly support our events and initiatives. We greatly appreciate your contribution.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team. Your support helps us continue providing exceptional experiences.



Join Hands to Rebuild Hope: Donate for Russo-Ukrainian War Victims

Your Compassion, Their Lifeline

Change Lives, Write a Story of Resilience

The Heartbreaking Reality

In the wake of the devastating Russo-Ukrainian War, countless lives have been torn apart. Families have been displaced, homes reduced to rubble, and dreams shattered. The survivors carry the heavy burden of trauma, loss, and uncertainty. It’s a story of heartache and resilience, of lives forever changed.

Imagine for a moment, being forced to leave everything behind – your home, your possessions, your sense of security. These are the harsh realities that our fellow human beings are facing every day. The haunting echoes of artillery fire, the desperate cries for help, the harrowing silence that follows. It’s a nightmare that has become a daily reality.

Our Promise of Hope

At the Matt Rife Foundation, we believe in the power of compassion, unity, and change. We’ve witnessed the strength of communities coming together to support one another during times of adversity. Today, we invite you to be a part of this story of hope and transformation. We invite you to be the hero in their story.

A $250,000 Goal to Rebuild Lives

Our mission is clear – to raise $250,000 by the end of this year, and every cent of your contribution will go towards helping the victims of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Here’s how your donation will make a difference:

  • Emergency Relief: Your donations will provide immediate assistance to those in need, including food, water, blankets, and essential supplies. This assistance will ensure that the victims have their basic needs met during this critical time.
  • Medical Support: By donating, you can contribute to the provision of medical supplies, equipment, and personnel to overwhelmed hospitals and clinics. This will enable them to provide life-saving care to the injured and provide assistance to those in need of medical attention.
  • Shelter and Rehabilitation: Donations will help in providing safe and secure shelters for displaced individuals. It will also contribute to the rebuilding of homes and infrastructure, facilitating the rehabilitation process.
  • Psychological Assistance: Your support will enable the provision of counseling services and mental health support to those affected by the conflict. This will aid in their recovery and help them rebuild their lives with resilience.

Your Gift, Their New Beginning

Donating is simple. Just click the “Donate Now” button below and contribute what you can. Every dollar gets us closer to our goal and helps us bring hope and healing to those who need it most.

A Story of Resilience Awaits

With your support, we aim to transform the lives of Russo-Ukrainian War victims by providing them with the tools they need to rebuild and recover. Together, we’ll create a story of resilience, strength, and hope that will echo for generations to come.

In Times of Despair, Let’s Be Their Beacon of Light

For any questions or assistance with your donation, please reach out to us at donate@mattrifelive.com. Your compassion is the beacon of light that will help guide these brave souls out of the darkness.

A Deeper Look into the Crisis

In the heart of Eastern Europe, the Russo-Ukrainian War has waged on for years. What began as a political dispute has escalated into a full-blown humanitarian crisis, affecting millions. Families have been separated, lives have been lost, and the future remains uncertain.

The Plight of Displaced Families

Imagine the pain of having to flee your home in the dead of night, leaving behind everything you’ve ever known. This is the reality for countless families in war-torn regions. They’ve sought refuge in overcrowded temporary shelters, facing unimaginable living conditions.

Overwhelmed Medical Facilities

The war has taken a heavy toll on healthcare facilities. Hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed, struggling to cope with the influx of wounded individuals. Medical supplies are running critically low, and skilled medical professionals are in high demand.

A Lack of Basic Necessities

Access to food, clean water, and sanitation facilities is limited in conflict-affected areas. The lack of these basic necessities poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of the victims, especially the children.

Psychological Trauma

The prolonged conflict has taken a toll on the mental health of the affected population. Many have experienced trauma and require psychological support to recover and rebuild their lives. Your donation can help heal not just physical wounds but emotional ones too.

Children Caught in the Crossfire

The youngest victims of this crisis are the children. They’ve witnessed horrors that no child should ever see. Their education has been disrupted, their dreams put on hold. Your support can give them a chance at a brighter future.

Thank you for your generosity. Together, we’ll be the change they desperately need.

Supporting Positive Change Through Your Generosity

At the heart of the Matt Rife Foundation lies a commitment to creating positive change in the world. Our foundation is driven by the desire to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and communities. By contributing to our cause, you become an integral part of this mission to bring about lasting transformation.

Our Cause and Goals:

Empowering Communities, Nurturing Dreams

At the Matt Rife Foundation, our cause is centered around empowering underprivileged communities and nurturing dreams that might otherwise go unrealized. We focus on various initiatives, from education to healthcare, from providing clean water to supporting arts and culture. Our overarching goal is to uplift individuals and help them build better, brighter futures for themselves and their families.


Creating Lasting Impact

Every dollar you donate contributes to projects that bring about real change. Whether it’s building schools, establishing medical facilities, supporting young talents, or addressing urgent community needs, your contribution directly fuels these endeavors. With your help, we’re not just changing lives; we’re shaping the future.

Secure Donation Form:

Make a Meaningful Difference

Your generosity matters, and we’ve made it simple and secure to contribute to our initiatives. Our donation form ensures that your financial information is protected, allowing you to give with confidence. Whether you’re passionate about education, healthcare, or any other aspect of our work, your donation will have a direct impact on the lives of those we serve.

Options for Giving:

Flexibility That Matches Your Passion

We offer a range of giving options to suit your preferences. You can make a one-time donation that contributes to our ongoing projects, or you can choose to make a recurring donation, providing consistent support for our initiatives over time. Your commitment, no matter the size, plays a vital role in our ability to create positive change.


Join the Circle of Change

Your partnership with the Matt Rife Foundation is an investment in the future. Together, we can turn dreams into reality, create opportunities where they are needed most, and leave a legacy of compassion and progress.

Ready to Make a Difference?

Your generosity can change lives. Join us in making a lasting impact. Select your preferred giving option and take the first step towards a brighter future for individuals and communities.   Choose Your Contribution:
  1. One-Time Donation
  2. Recurring Donation
  3. Together, let’s make a world of difference.

Cryptocurrency Charity Donation Channel

At Matt Rife Events, we believe in the power of giving back, and we’re thrilled to introduce our cryptocurrency-based donation channel for the #StandWithUkraine campaign. Your generosity can make a significant impact on supporting war victims in Ukraine.

Donation Instructions:

Contributing to our charitable endeavors is easy. Here’s how you can make a donation:
  1. Select Your Preferred Cryptocurrency: Choose the cryptocurrency you’d like to use for your donation. We accept a variety of digital assets, making it convenient for you.
  2. Calculate Your Contribution: Decide the amount you wish to donate to support the victims of war in Ukraine.
  3. Make Your Donation: Use your cryptocurrency wallet to send your contribution to the wallet address provided below.

Why Donate to #StandWithUkraine?

Your donation to the #StandWithUkraine campaign will provide essential aid to war victims, including humanitarian assistance, medical care, and support for displaced families. Cryptocurrency donations offer a secure, transparent, and efficient way to contribute to this vital cause.

Your Generosity Matters:

Your donation can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by conflict in Ukraine. We appreciate your generosity and commitment to standing with Ukraine during this challenging time.

Join us in supporting the #StandWithUkraine campaign through cryptocurrency donations. If you have any questions or need assistance with your donation, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team at [support email or phone number].

Thank you for being a part of the Matt Rife Events community and contributing to the #StandWithUkraine campaign. Together, we can make a positive impact and provide hope to those in need.